
About Me

Photies 1

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Jemma Loves

Photies 2

Jemma Hates

Guest Book Page

.:.:.Cherry Blossom.:.:.


*~*About meeee*~*
Ok...been a wee while since i updated...been mainly focusing on my lj (see links page)

Well i guess u already know bout me if ure on this...or else u just pondered upon it wonderin who the fuck i am..lol...aye...

Hav a wee browse thru the site and leave a wee menchie the gbook plz :)

Jemz xxx

*~*About my site*~*
Wellllll....i guess i got bored and thought id get creative ;)

Hey if anyone wants a pic or a mention or whatever just email me

*~*The very ravishing Tom DeLonge*~*
Wow....what else can i say?? :P

*** We'll be the worms in your apple pie ***